Executive and pension insurance

Managers’ insurance and pension funds are intended to serve as an employee savings fund for retirement. When you retire, the redemption values ​​are converted into a monthly allowance. The savings are intended for both managers and employees and include compensation and compensation deposits. Payment of insurance costs is divided between the insured employee and the employer. In the event of departure or retirement from the place of fact, the payment of compensation also serves as a fund for the payment of severance pay. The managers’ insurance and the pension fund are recognized as a provident fund according to income tax regulations and allow the employer and the employee to receive income tax relief.

The differences between funds are reflected, among other things, in insurance coverage, the management fees, the quality of investment management and the conversion factor into annuities.

We at Complete will help you compare all available pension funds and managers in the market and tailor your plan to suit your needs. Comparison is made between all insurance companies and pension funds using a calculated consultancy software that ensures you find the best savings for you in the most competitive management fees.

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