Alternative investments

The consumer loan market in Israel (without housing loans), as of the end of 2014, is rolling out NIS 137 billion. Of these, NIS 118 billion (86%) is controlled by the banks (a similar amount to the Madagascar GDP). Another 8% by credit card companies. In fact, banks and credit card companies control 94% of the consumer credit market!

When there is such a centralized situation, is it any wonder that banks and credit card companies are taking advantage of it to their advantage ?! If we deposit our money in bank deposits, they give us about 0% interest. Conversely, if we are in overdraft or need a loan, they charge us between 3.5-17% annual interest.

The direct meeting between people who want to lend their money and get an attractive interest rate on their money, and people who want a fair interest loan, easily and quickly. The Social Loan platform connects them, validates their capabilities, coordinates expectations, and makes it happen. The result: higher interest rates for loan providers, and lower interest rates for borrowers.

I will help you find the best social loan fund for you under the best conditions.

Complete – our knowledge of your confidence!